
Sunday, November 30, 2008, 4:28 AM


I'm watching 'Nanny 911', and I'm laughing sooo much. The children are rogues, squabbling with parents, being beasts as they run around the house and skate around and smash rubber swords on each other's heads. The kids are in-charge of the house! All the chaos is so funny - weirdly XD The council of Nannies are so funny as well ^^ Well, all ends well, the parents are in charge now: no more fun =X It beats the show my brother was watching ._. some shallow anime revolving around the life of some high school girl. pfft. *hugs Ghost in the Shell*

Camp Pinnacle tomorrow. I have no clue how it's going to be like, I've looked through the schedule: it looks like a fun camp - nothing like a training camp. However, nearly 3 years in NCC led me believe that 'fun' in dictionary isn't the same as 'fun' in NCC. I hope they won't grill us, more importantly, that my group won't get us grilled XD Oh well, no point questioning how it'd be until I get there!

I get to see SSC friends again! HELLO JEFF DE VIRES.

I have something to look forward to after camp - more Ghost in the Shell episodes!


Save your fears, take your place, save them for the judgement day.


Thursday, November 27, 2008, 6:35 AM

50th post :)

It's been some time, I should have uploaded this here a long time ago XD This picture is titled "Within My Reach". I don't want to explain it, go figure :) I trust your literature skills will pull you through, Joel. Stuck? Try my deviantArt XD

I've been at at for 2 hours now, with my torch and screwdriver, removing the casing of the CPU to find the cable being slot into the wrong place, and everything dusty to heck. I put everything back together, connect all cables, switch on the com, only to find a graphic card problem. Great. All for naught, it's going to have been sent for re-service in the end. At least it was a learning experience to keep watch of sharp, pointy ends.

Get well soon D! May the angel of anti-sickness come down and heal your fever =)

D: Joel, Imma sorry I *worried* you by not updating, as a compensation, I'd do one of your quizzes!

1. What is your best friends name? I'm not saying~
2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now? D: What? What do you want to know - brand?
3. What are you listening to right now? "Beauty is within us" by Scott Matthew, a OST from Ghost in the Shell.

4. Whats your favorite number? Seven. It has a nice ring to it.
5. What was the last thing you ate? I think a couple of biscuits. I was pissed with my com.
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? RAINBOW. If it were a colour.
7. How is the weather right now? It's snowing terribly - with winds beating horridly upon the roofs- wait, oh, in Singapore? Hot. Humid.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Uhh. Dawn, told her to go rest now.
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Uhh. Eyes =X
10. Do you have a significant other? Now you're sounding like that parent. I'm single.
12. Siblings? One younger chatterbox of a brother, one older sister.
13. Height? About 1.7m.
14. Hair color? Jet black =)
15. Eye Color? Black-brownish.
16. Do you wear contacts? I used to. I got sick of screaming 'OH GOD IT'S NOT IN MY EYE.' in front of the mirror.
17. Favorite Holiday? Chinese New Year - I get to see how my nephews and nieces are coping along.
18. Month? June. Well, birthday.
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? That's a little hard to imagine why. I might have when I was young.
20. What was the last movie you watched? Madagascar 2. Too many sub-plots.
21. Favorite day of the year? I have 12 days. I look forward to the church bells played at noon every 1st day of the month.
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yes.
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? O.o no way.
24. Hugs or Kisses? Erm, both?
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. Not the flavour!
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this? Well, no need. People have better things to do.
27. Who is most likely to respond? Hardly anyone does the quizzes I do. Maybe you, Chia?
28. Who is least likely to respond? My PRREEZZ JOOHHHNN XD
29. What books are you reading? I randomly tooked two novels off the shelve for Eng homework. One I started is titled 'Wired'.
30. Piercings? D: Goodness no bloody way.
31. Favorite movies? Hmm, King Arthur, Kungfu Panda XD, Advent Children
32. Favorite football team? I don't watch soccer =X I stopped soccer in pri school.
33. What were you doing before this? Signing up with the NLB =X
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? BUUUTTTEERRR.
37. Dogs or cats? Kittens!
38. Favorite flower? One that shows resilience even in the most prevailing winds.
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? Yea, I wasn't suppose to be drawing during the most boring of lectures.
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? Hahah Yes =)
41. Have you ever loved someone? Yes?
42. Who would you like to see right now? =) Sealed.
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? Uh-uh. Kindergarten wasn't a very happy time for me.
44. Have you ever fired a gun? Yea, and he hit me hard in the shoulder because I did. Dang M16.
45. Do you like to travel by plane? Not really, unless it's necessary. It makes me feel odd.
46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Right, sadly. If only I could draw on my left.
47. How many pillows do you sleep with? One. What sort of question is this? O.o
48. Are you missing someone? Maybe.
49. Do you have a tattoo? Gah NO! Even if I ever do get one, I'm making my own design. Jeffrey's one is on his back O.o
50. Anybody on myspace that you'd go on a date with? What's myspace?

Seeing question 3 reminded me of the beautiful lyrics of what I was listening to. I think I shall share it here. It's a OST from Ghost in the Shell.

Beauty is Within Us

O mother dear
Look what you've done
To your forlorn and once beloved son
Why was I born at all?
O mother dear
I'm such a freak
A mutant man, a woman underneath
Why was I born at all?

It's you I blame for all the shame
This anguish and this aching
The mirror turned against the wall
Myself despised, forsaken
*You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
"There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
But it's grown so dark and ugly

O mother dear
I curse you so
For breathing life into your wretched son
Why were you born at all?
O mother dear
I love you so
O please forgive this anger in my soul
Without you I'm alone

It's me who's been eternally damned
Trapped inside this cage, a ruined man
All damaged and depraved

O mother dear
This misery
Has settled like a stain upon my skin
-a vast unspoken sin

And my mistake is much too late
But your mistake was trusting
That out of grief, a goodness comes
And love comes out of lusting


You say, "Beauty is within us, your mother knows"
"There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose"
You say, "Beauty is within us, so let it grow"
But it's grown so dark I can not see you anymore

"O beauty is within us, mother knows"
"O beauty is within us, like a rose"
"O beauty is within us, let it grow"
O mother dear, let me out of here!

It really suited the episode that came with it. Even on it's own, i really think it's a beautiful song full of emotion from the point of view of the son. See it as you will =)

Because the 50th is special ^^


Save your tears, for the day, when the pain is far behind.


, 2:29 AM

I didn't blog for some time because I went crazy over watching Ghost in the Shell for the past few days - just finished watching the whole Series 1 (Ghost in the Shell 1st Gig - Stand Alone Complex) and the movie which was released in 1995. It's really more then just a sci-fi police action show, because of all the underlying philosophy hidden in many episodes - and I spent afternoons reading them all up like about the Stand Alone Complex. I knew I shouldn't have started on a new anime series =X

You know, I'd highly appreciate it if both of you didn't argue so -loudly- till everyone can -hear- you =) All matters can be settled peacefully one way or another, regardless of the issue you're arguing over, kay?

I had my hair cut today at J8, that weird hairdressing place with all it's high tech stuff and all. I'm not going back there. You pay $10 from the start, queue up, just so the lady will rush through and my hair is still too long in the front. It should be just nice for Camp Pinnacle, but I'd have to cut again by end Dec. My mom scolded me for spending $10 on a haircut that's still long =X

To NCOs: Regarding the training in Dec, it will mostly be focused on IPPT. It'd only be one or two half day activity, but I need to know who is not free from the 20th to 31st Dec (excluding public holidays and weekends) so as to not disrupt any plans you might have. I'd be mass-smsing you guys soon.

Christmas shopping is proving harder then ever ._. I have no clue how to buy for some people whom I want to buy for. I'd find a way though. I'd devise an ultimate plan.

I have a secret method of improving brainpower that Zong Da witnessed today XD

Today, after Geog class, I left with Gary and Jiada to J8 where we ate and had my hair cut -.- I'm going to give in and sign up with a library to do CIP. I really, really want to do something more meaningful though...maybe I can choose not to do shelving and volunteer for story-telling instead. PLEASE JUST NOT SHELVING. At Bishan library I pulled out two novels randomly just to do Mrs Tina Tang's damned homework.

We went to Vivo for awhile mainly to look at figurines. No sign of Ghost in the Shell anywhere (WHY. is it because it's not as popular is the ever-flowing figurines of Naruto and Gundam? T.T) But there was ONE ARMOUR SABER figure which I wanted! But I had no money on me, and we can't buy it unless you buy the set of 4 Sabers ($20), in which I wasn't too interested in collecting the others. Sigh =X

I don't know how, but my dad expects me to repair my desktop all on my own. Great, because the internet cable snapped inside the CPU, I'm going to have to remove the cover just to meddle with all the wires and remove the thing without damaging anything else. Maybe it's for my good that he doesn't want to lift a finger to help me with this.

Congrats Weikit and Bryan for passing your interviews to be accepted for the attachment with Pearce Air Base Australia! Have fun there and bring something back for the whole unit :D


No matter what binds me now, it will all fade in the heat of the moment, that right moment, I'd understand it all.


Saturday, November 22, 2008, 6:33 AM

Because our CMC is so awesome :)

I rushed to attend my new tution at this house tutor. I never believed in science tutoring, but my mom forced me for this. At least my teacher is a nice lady. It was Chem tution, and I was early. Then when more and more students entered the basement classroom they all were staring at me =X I. Hate. Staring. It is bloody scary, especially if it's strangers trying to figure you out. Like at the recent RSAF Attachment. Pfft. I want to sit in one corner or something ._.

Class ended, and I bolted out. For two reasons: One, avoid contact with others; Two, rush for Cat High Open House =X Changed to school uniform, nearly forgot my tie, and ran to school. As soon as I settled down, John gave me a briefing, and I immediately took my first family. I had to speak Chinese to the father and English to the mother! Ahaha parents ask the weirdest things - "Is school here stressful?" YES. "Why are you still in shorts if you're in sec 3?" ._. Chinese heritage. We wear pants all four years. pfft. "How is the discipline here?" Oh my - horrid horrid. Thank god for discipline masters. And the worst - "Are you single?" O.O I stared at the father and
stared at the grinning father: "What? Yea I am o.o" Great, what was going through their mind when I asked "Do you have any questions?"

Then we all ended, and had debrief by Mr Goh YH =) I went home to find my cousins visiting. Oh oh! Double rainbow!

It's faint, but it's there alright. :D I love rainbows.

I have an ultimate plan :D It has many sub-ultimate plans, but it still is ultimate :D *tries to cackle evilly*

I need CIP hours! Must do it this holiday, or I'd never be able to. Not shelfing! (Joel you know WHY? XD) I want something meaningful =( Anyone got any suggestions?


There are just some things the camera can't catch, but the eye can :)


Monday, November 17, 2008, 7:17 PM

it was SOOO FUN. I cannot describe how much fun we had here, but I'd try XD

I left home about 11 to meet Xinhui and MRT our way to Harbourfront to meet up with Alpha :D I was slightly late - sorry! Haha we tried to see who could spot who first without specs, and she won =X When to Habourfront together to meet ALPHA .

When we got off I saw Bryan, he was on the same train! Left and went to the control station to see Audrey, Kimberly and Brandon waiting. Marcus came shortly after. Later Hui Ling found us all waiting and brought us to rendezvous with the rest. Zul had his guitar O.o Firdaus was playing GTA :o Umairah and Nadia was sitting and waiting. I twiddled by thumbs - 162 rounds in one minute! We hung around at the steps waiting for more people to turn up. Many hadn't eaten lunch, so we decided to meet back at 2.30 (for everyone to eat and wait for rain rain to stop =X). I ate beforehand so I did some proposal-work during their lunch XD

2.30, we met up once again, the rain stopped! We met up with them at the arcade (the pet shop was so cool :D) and went to the monorail station (there's a monorail now?!) It's been nearly 7-8 years since I went to Sentosa, so much has changed O.O We got tickets and went in, but we hung back and waiting for the next train for Dawn to come :) She came running in, but in her hurry we forgot the donuts =X Opps. On the way to Sentosa, I proved myself to be a mountain tortoise - I didn't even know the monorail exsisted XD

When we reached we got down to the beach (there is more than one beach? O.o) and we bought a frisbee and a volleyball. Then we started playing :D It was cloudy, so we played on shore first.

When the drizzling stopped they all jumped in the sea =X I wasn't all up to enter the sea *remembers horrific jellyfish attack* and the guys didn't force me to....until they got bored. Jeffrey (A.K.A 5cm - he has a real name o.o) was like "Come, come, lemme tell you something." *I walk towards 5cm**all the guys push and drag me to the sea* I'm so gullible =X I wish we stayed still sunset. I went to listen to Zul's guitar for awhile - I liked Firdaus' and Zul's verion of Guardian Angel from RJA and Hey there Delilah by Plain White Tees.

Later we got onshore to play volleyball! Dawn, Joey, Eugene, Marcus, Bryan and myself were playing. We played till Zul and Firdaus joined in XD it was really comical, and slowly the game degraded to 'getting the ball to the other side of the line' kind XD It was still loooaadds of fun ^^ I fell down running after the ball =X And Brandon decided to try and prank me. Mrrgh. After that we washed up and had many many photos taken at the tram station XD

We took the monorail back to Vivo - the sunset was awesome. Wish we could have taken a picture =X Back at Vivo, some of us left early, while the rest of us went to Food Junction (I think?) for dinner. Either Zul didn't like the Halal stalls, or he was truely, as he said, "DIETING". My gosh, he's almost as skinny as I am, and dieting? O.O Ahaha XD We chatted alot then we went to Haagen Dazs as we wanted some ice-cream. omg. so full already =X It was getting late already, so we decided to part ways =( OH. and Firdaus SNAPS HANDS ^^

Oh well. Just recounting it. I can't wait for another one in Dec (I can't make it for 1st Dec!) Pictures :D

Boys group pic! From Left top: Brandon, Bryan, Marcus, Zul, Firdaus. Left Bottom: Myself, Eugene, Jeffrey XD
Girls (mostly) group pic: From Left top - Huiling, Kimberly, Joey, Firdaus (O.o), Lisa,Xinhui, Audrey, Dawn. Left bottom - Umairah & Nadia.

Where is our big group pic taken at the tram stop? O.O


From Left, Top Row: Lisa, Xinhui, Kimberly, Brandon, Eugene (half-hidden), Bryan (half hidden), Me, Dawn
From Left, Middle Row: Huiling, Nadia, Marcus, Joey, Umairah, Audrey
From Left, Bottom Row: Jeffrey (5cm XD), Firdaus, Zul & Zul's Guitar

Zul playing ^^ No, that's not a plate for coins XD Why am I in the background? O.o

Jeffrey (5cm) posing o.o HAHA - ALPHA! <3



I miss those skies, I miss those nights.


Friday, November 14, 2008, 4:46 AM


It's over already. The 3rd day of RSAF Attachment. For some reason, I started laughing uncontrollably all morning. Mainly due to the many bizarre things that happened this morning. First, Bryan and I met early as we were going to another camp this morning - Chong Pang Camp. So we took the instructions from that Captain Teacher Officer (not sure which school): Take 169 from Ang Mo Kio interchange and 4 stops away from Sembawang Air Base. So Bryan and I guai guai listened to that and took all the way. We did see a sign "Chong Pang" somewhere, but we ended up somewhere in Yishun and Sembawang. Kept calling Hui Yang who thought we were on the right track until:

"The bus stop here doesn't service 169. It says only 167 here."

OMG. We jumped off our bus and started shouting at each other WTF WTF with Hui Yang still on the phone. If I ever sign up for Amazing Race when I grow up, it will NOT be with Bryan, we start shouting at one another as soon as we're lost XD We quickly flagged down a taxi. The taxi uncle is so funny, he saluted us as we entered!

"Woah. SO many stars arh. Shiny!"

:D "Thank you Uncle. Now, Chong Pang Camp please" As he hurried us there (he drove super fast), he cursed like nuts and laughed when suddenly a lorry blocked the whole road and shocked us, making Bryan laugh his head off. Wild man o.o Finally, he got us to Chong Pang Market, and we rendezvoused with Hui Yang and Yong Hwee. Weikit and Yong Liang already went ahead of us.

Then we got to the auditorium and watched Jeff Dunham. AHAHAH super, super funny XD
Kinda racist as well =X From then on, I couldn't control myself XD I laughed at Hui Yang's injury (how ironic) while he was trying to help us, I know I'm mean =X then I was laughing at Weikit being hit on by a guy XD We had a quick brief on the equipment used during air defence, many anti-air units and sorts, then we got to see all the vehicles up-close. It was kind of short, but interesting nonetheless. It would have been more interesting if not so much information was classified =( By the time the exhibits were over I have sort of calmed down. Then it was home-bound for us already.

I really wished we got a chance to say good bye to the Singapura LCP Aloysius Teo. Ahaha he was really nice to us throughout the three day course, and it was fun and interesting to talk to him. He also gave me some advice which I won't say here =X But it was really nice knowing him.

Yong Hwee, Hui Yang, Bryan and I went back to Cat High to watch NCC land's parade, congrats to all promoted sec 3s!

I'm damned sure I'm being watched by people from other schools. It's getting scary =X


With you around, everything will eventually slow to rest.


Thursday, November 13, 2008, 5:25 AM

Alright, it was Day 2 of SBAB Attachment. It wasn't really much, to be honest, day one was more fun =D We visited the various mechanical stations of the air base, such as how they maintain their helicopters (detecting cracks under UV rays), more details on the Chinook (CH47), and got to see the Apache Longbow (in all it's awesome weaponry :D) and saw the ammunition and weaponry used by the Apache as well. Very technical, but still highly interesting =)

Then I got very, very irritated. Males in no.3 sitting on the floor. Males in no.3 lying on the floor. SSGs talking non-stop while falling in and giving the IC a hard time. Really kinda pity MSG Amanda, having to try and do C&C with people laughing during drills. Must be really hard for them to train their own parts if they keep laughing like that during training =X

Later was the flight simulations. The Super Puma simulation was older, but was good nonetheless, it shaked and moved, and the graphics were quite suitable to the movement, nice :) what was even better was the Chinook's (CH47) simulation: you can control the course! I got to be the pilot, and crashed the helicopter =X Then I got the hang of it and we "flew" to Sentosa :D They did the Merlion graphics quite well! Too bad there was no shaking of the helicopter. Then a group photo of everyone who attended SBAB attachment, then home-bound =) Fara kept laughing at how tired I was, and Huiyang tried once more to prove his "Benedict-looks-old" point.

Now, there are two overseas courses offered to us NCC cadets, any NCO interested, please infrom me by the specified deadline from HQ NCC: 21st Nov. Now, the two overseas courses are...

1) a training visit to Pearce Air Base located in Australia. Dates are 8 - 13th Dec. The cost is $150.


The proposed programme (refers to Annex A) will include the following:

a. Courtesy-call. The NCC Delegation will make a courtesy call to Base Commander. After a briefing, the NCC Delegation leader will present a memento to the Base Commander.

b. Visit to SAF Training Activities. To experience SAF Overseas training, the NCCRSAF pilot trainee training.

c. Educational Visit Training. Participants will undergo a 1 day educational programme in Perth where they may experience the Australian’s culture.

Annnddd for 2): A Glider course conducted in India. It's from the 1st to 24th Dec (woah.) The cost is $100. Basically you get to do Aeromodelling, Glider Flight training, Parasailing, etc. I'm sure there's a badge for this.

I don't know why I'm saying all these, just disseminating information from Mr Goh. Though I highly, highly, doubt so, but if any NCO is interested in any of the courses, feel free to ask me for the AI and learn more about the courses. Remember, the deadine is on the 21st Nov.

Tomorrow's the last day of SBAB Attachment. Looks like I'd be missing St. Nick's investiture =( Hopefully, things would go much more smoother tomorrow.

I like my new specs XD


Whistle with the wind, dance to the flowers, sing with the rivers.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 12:25 AM

Day one:

I awoke by my brother's noisy preparation to go to school. I met up with Bryan (picked up a copy of Today fist :D) before we found our way to Sembawang Air Base (SBAB). The guardroom was 'just up the slope', said the guard so casually that we thought it was a short distance till we got there. Met up with Yong Hwee and Hui Yang, and they all entered the campus before I did because I hung back to wait (anxiously) for Wei kit and Yong Liang. They did not appear as I plotted how I wanted to throttle them. Ahah
while waiting I met many more NCC friends - Novell, Fara, Joel Rasis, Hariz, The ACS(I) gang of David, Shawn and Kevin, and Xue Feng. And I just realised Novell is now CSM of North View NCC air :D

I would throttle Weikit and Yongliang for being late and making me worry, but I was in uniform. After all the attendance and everything we gathered at the Officer's Mess, had a briefing by the Captain, and he sent us for breakfast o.o Didn't eat =X When we went back we just watched videos about the heritage of SBAB and modernisation of our helicopters. Kinda interesting, but I highly suspect the rest of my guys were up to something on me with all that sneakiness ._.

Following that was lunch, where we talked to the Singapura LCP sir there (I can't remember his surname =X), and more comments about how blur I am by my partmates =X

We went back and got split into school level to get ready for our familiarisation flight on the CH47. I remember speaking to Xue Feng (who turned out to be the only Beatty
there =X) for abit before we took a bus there. The Staff Sergeant there introduced the copter to us, all its features, and we got to roam around it and take a closer look. It was rather fascinating =) We even got to see the interior before take-off =D

Then my partmates decided to prove their point that I look older than my age. After their opinions (which ranged from 23 - 90 years old. funny. ha.) were voiced, we went to ask other people. I remember getting answers from: David (I think he said 18), Shawn (90. I'd pretend I heard 19), Singapura LCP sir (18, he said I look tired o.o), Novell (she said 17 - 19), Joel Rasis (23?!), Fara (16. thank goodness). Fine, Hui Yang and company seemed to have proved their point, but I'm not beaten =D

We got our earplugs on and boarded the CH47 while braving the winds =X We strapped in and WHOO =D It was very, very fun =D amazing view of the island, over housing estates, lush greenery, skies and more skies, I couldn't keep my eyes off the great view until they closed the back of the copter =X It was really really nice to see things from that view. Too bad there won't be anymore flights the next two days =X

Home-bound, I realised once more that I'm not a marksman =( Kinda excited for Day 2 =D

Everytime I'm offered an investiture, always, ALWAYS, without fail, a NCC event will clash. And which will I choose? I've been allowed by John to attend St. Nicholas' Investiture '08 on the 14th Nov (last day of SBAB Attachment, which ends at 11.30), and the time is from 10am to 12noon. Joy. Just, great. The up-side? John offers to let me go for the first investiture next year =) THANK YOU PREZZ.


I can't believe it's nearing, so fast, so soon, I'd hear that laugh once more =)


Sunday, November 9, 2008, 7:27 AM

Johnervan, you betta be reading this D:

I should go for an investiture! DDDDDD:

It's been two years of Class Chairman service for me, and I'm going to be sec 4 already! Mrrgh, all the other Investitures offered to me ALWAYS clash with NCC events, even this one on the 14th Nov clashes with RSAF Attachment! I guess it's fate...

I better get one when the year starts or esle...I'd swap and rearrange some books in the school library. Muahahahah XD PURE evil.

I just showed my Dad my report book. Mrgh. I'm NOT going to be last again.
No one from my class really reads this anyway. 'Cept a couple of friends in my class.

I'm drawing again to rid my irritation. The sketch is coming out just nice :D I'm really amused by the Power98 advert on BMT, a couple of guys laughing their heads of, and someone asks why their doing so, they reply: "I just got a hammering from my platoon sergeant and now I feel terrible, so I'm, hhaaaaa, laughing to relief sttrreessss *laughs head off*" Heeee.

I'm soooo tempted to do one of Joel's quiz AGAIN *bites thumb in attempt to control urge*

Alpha outing right after RSAF Attaaacchhmmmeeennntt~


It's all within your reach, you just have to stretch a little more, and believe in the radiant dawn.


Saturday, November 8, 2008, 4:56 AM


The Alpha outing has been brought forward to 17th Nov, Monday!

OMG OMG OOOOMMMGGG :D I cannot thank you both enough, Bala and Xinhui! TTHHHAAANKKKSSSS :D I'mma ssssooo HYPED now, I could start laughing for 15 whole minutes again (no I won't, Joel, I don't want you to freak again).

My specs snapped three days before the Os, so I had to super-glue them together as a temporary measure, but my mom insisted I got a new one done by today. Apparently, my eye degrees improved by about 25 and 50 respectively left and right, and my current ones are too powerful o.o My new specs are going to be deep, dark green o.o Go nuts, Damien.

I'm so hyped for the outing :D But I know I'm going to be down again, I plan to show my father my report book tomorrow night. Ragh. Should start drawing out the idea I just formed in my head :D

And no, sadly, I'm not an Art Student, though I was thinking of becoming one last time =X

I'm still waiting for Li to upload Biennale phooottooss =D


And the river flows, and the river rides, into the ocean, and into my skies :)


Friday, November 7, 2008, 4:27 AM


Oh, this is the latest drawing I did. I finally thought of a title! It shall be titled:

"Thirteen Wishes"

I'd leave you to figure out why :D I've still yet to have a caption for this piece yet, mrrgh. I don't know how to do a good caption, I'd usually end up describing the picture.

I went to the Singapore Biennale today! I met Li (2 minutes late =X) at City Hall MRT

with a few of her friends there, if I remember correctly: Sarah,
Jazlyn and Muni. I don't wanna elaborate much on Biennale yet till I get pictures from Li =) If you can, you should go see exhibits as well! Those at the Supreme Court House are really ingenious and beautiful :D The second place I went to was the South Beach Development...it was really....dreary..like...horridly and rather painful looking art works. Wait for pictures from Li's camera first XD

I'm going to form up a plan of my own to restudy my Sciences. I can't believe my sister talked with her friend about it, and now her friend's brother wants to genuinely want to give me tutioning over my Sciences. agh. I don't even know him.

Take care Lisa on your flight to London! Not many are as lucky as you are to be going on a double holiday ;D Have fun and stay safe =)

No Li, I do NOT like maggots. Not even cute ones crawling all over red carpets.

I think I'd do a Joel quiz =D

(1)What have you been doing recently? Thinking up something new to draw :D

(2)Do you ever turn your cellphone off? If it's a school day the next day, I'd off at night.

(3)What happened at 10am today? Just left home in a hurry to meet Li at City Hall =X

(4)When did you last cry? Uh. When? O.O I don't remember.

(5)Believe in fate/destiny? Yes I do :D Some things -just- happen

(6)What do you want in your life now? Nothing in particular. Wanting doesn't help anyway. And I don't wanna say here.

(11)Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? I've never been in a relationship o.o

(12)Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? If you count wristbands...still no XD

(13)What was the last movie you caught? OH GOD DON'T MAKE ME REMEMBER. Fine. High School Musical 3. With Joel last Wed =X

(14)Does the person know that you like him/her? I'm good a secrets ;) Uh. But I'm not entirely sure.

(15)Who always make you laugh? A Couple of people :D And I don't laugh easily.

(16)Do you speak languages other than English? Chinese. Or Mandarin. Wait that's the same o.o

(17)Favourite website(s)? Youtube :D Oh, blogs, and...the Neopets newspapers - "Neopian Times". I like the short stories there =D

(19)What are you doing tomorrow? I'm pretty sure my dad wants me to do some gardening...

(20)What do you think you are like? I can't judge myself. Ask others. You'd get many, -many- differing answers.

(21)Who will you choose to die with? I'm going to die alone in a hole.

(22)Where have you been today? Singapore Biennale! City Hall area, mainly. And South Beach development. Art, art, and more art!

(23)What game do you play often? I don't really game nowadays. I know that if I start, I won't stop until I finish the RPG =X

(24)Who are you missing right now? *digs ears with finger* "WHHHAAATT?"

(25)If you had to chose between a friend and a love, who will you chose? A love would most probably a friend as well, right? So, both XD

(26)What are you doing right now? Filling this quiz up while looking at deviantART.

(27)Which primary school are you from? Ai Tong Primary School :)

(28)Name 3 colours that you like. Oh ^^ Silver, Turquoise, and Rainbow. If that's a colour XD

(29)What emotion do you like to show? ._. "oh, ok."

(30)What is your life to you? I'm the captain, and the people around me are like my compasses. But they are all pointing in different directions, and I have to choose which to follow. Am I quoting Mr Goh?

(31)If you have something troubling you, what will you do? Go home straight and sort it out myself. Confide in someone. List out a couple of solutions, and flip my coin to decide which.

(32)Who did you last chat with on msn today? Bryan Seah o.o

(33).Who do you admire most? Quite a number of people :) Mostly from NCC. Oh, one guy I admire in my level is Gerald Ling. I've seen him in sec 1 and 2 training every sunny day without fail just so he wouldn't pull his NPCC part down during PT. Such discipline and determination =)

(34)Which month were you born in? JUUNNEE :D

(35)How are you feeling right now? A little tired. And my mind keeps racing.

(36)What is the time now? 22:44:56

(37)What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is? I took this off Joel. Really nice guy who goes crazy too. My hand-snapping partner!

(38)What colour did you use to dye hair? I can't imagine dyeing my hair.

(39)Why are you doing this test? Out of pure boredom. And hoping that inspiration would pop out

(40)What do you do when you’re moody? Drown in Evanescence.

(41)At which age you wish to get married? HA. I have really no clue. I don't really think about marriage. Hermit.

(42)Who are important to you? Family and friends ;)

(43)If today is the last day of your life, what will you do? WHAHAHA. I remember this question asked at camp. "I'd conduct NCC training!" <-- The super enthu NCC guy XD "I'd draw till I drop dead, pencil at hand" I really don't know, but I won't spend a single idle moment.

(44)Who is the person you trust the most? The most? A couple of friends, but I won't name.

(45)Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain? Always will, things can't stay horrible forever. Even if no rainbow comes, the light drizzle is enough to bring smiles :)

(46)If you have a dream come true, what would it be? I would be able to say what ever I really wanted to say deep inside o.o

(47)What is your goal for this year? Year's ending. Pull my all my grades and shock my class during Prelim 1 tomorrow. Or pummel some of them into submission XD Nah, I won't hit anyone (really!)

(48)Do you believe in eternal love? Yes, it does happen :)

(49)What feeling do you love most? Being wanted =)

(50)Do you really think its Global Warming now? Uh huh. I do think so.

(51)What feeling do you hate the most? Bitter anger.

(52)You like doing quizzes? Not enough to make me go nuts =X

(53)Do you believe in God? Yes I do.

(54)Who cares for you most? My parents are always saying I don't look out for myself enough. Yea, it's my parents.

(55)What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Discipline.

(56)What will you bring when you fight? I really don't like fighting. If it boils down to it, I'd bring my keychains. Keys are painful, what my keychains are can make it worst. But I won't use them unless he draws something out too!

(57)What have you regretted doing in your whole life? A whole plenty full of mistakes I made in primary school

(58)What would you do if nobody cared for you any longer? I'd find a hole. At least the Earth cares.

(59)What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you? If I ever do have one, I'd trust her enough not to do so :)

(60)How do you feel now? Evanescence-ish. Is that a feeling? Kinda...neutral. Like ._.

Oh god. I'm so bored that I answered 60 questions for the heck of it. I should sleep soon...or I'd go read ^^


I'm missing this one chance to see you once more to fulfill a duty, but it won't make a difference, I just have to look up at the starry night sky.


Thursday, November 6, 2008, 6:03 AM

New cupboards came to the Air Store today :D Stare at awe in its awesome silver shininess, and it's lockable function, with keys ^^ Too bad we were only lazy enough to fix up ONE out of two cupboards, because we ended up getting distracted badly...

I played a Naruto fighting game on Garry's PSP today. Yea, I must be innately violent. I have no clue how to go about, yet I managed to choose a team and fight through normal, hard and insane stages of team battle XD Gaara may not move fast, but who cares when you can own the enemy standing still? GIIAAANNTT SSAAANNNDD BUURRIIAALL - then he whispers: "Pathetic." sweet.

I just got my IC done up today. I never expected ICA to be so easy to navigate O.o But it was rather a easy process! Except the fact that it took 4 times before the woman was satisfied with my thumb print. Thanks Li for helping me out :D

On my way home, I realised I've picked up the same leaflet the 7th time already. The person seems to recognise me by now =X Oh and I saw Senior Wei Liang run by me to board a bus - seeing Wei Liang again reminds me how it was to be a cadet under him: lost, confused about system, following his instructions to the best I can, and him leading us through PT and training us. Ahh. I wish I could have talked to him today =X Oh by the way, Wei Liang was the Part B UDI of our batch, during 2006. It was him and Senior Sui Peng that inspired me to want to become a Part B UDI. Er, yea, during my post interview I did say "What post I want? Part B UDI." Sigh: time flies so fast - My NCC NCO life is coming to end already =(

Welcome back Lisa :) I bet Aussie was a blast, but you're leaving again! Take cares in your trip to London kays?

I really feel sore about not being able to attend the first Alpha gathering. I'd be at Camp Pinnacle and on Day 1 I know I'm at camp while Alpha gathers at Vivo =( I'm sure somehow, there'd be a second =) Maybe even a chalet ^^

I'm going to the Singapore Biennale tomorrow :D I wonder what I'd see there, but it's bound to be awesome ^^


Now she's up there, sings like an angel, but you can't hear those words.


Monday, November 3, 2008, 6:46 AM

Your Personality is Very Rare (INTJ)

Your personality type is logical, uncompromising, independent, and nonconformist.

Only about 3% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 4% of all men.

You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging.

How Rare Is Your Personality?

Oookkkaaayyy. I admit it kind of sounds like me, but THAT rare? o.o

The Chinese O levels ended today, it wasn't as bad as I expected! I don't wanna elaborate much, but I read the Bao Zhang Bao Dao topic (on handphones) the night before, so it's all good there. Paper 2 was rather simple as well, compared to what Cat High throws at us.

oh well, ITS ALL OVER. I might even get my A :D

After the papers, I have a promise to keep =X High School Musical 3. Oh boy. I met up with Joel, who couldn't resist having a game of soccer with some others since we were early. I went to my store to get into the 'Dead Fish in the Lockers' drama.

This is the perfect example why I don't agree to pets kept in the Air Store. They will rot as soon as you guys forget about them when there are holidays. Thank god I didn't take the hamster from before that Bryan tried to keep.

Now, when Joel finished his game, we walked to J8, and got chased by the rain :D It was so cool to look back and see the rain, but you're perfectly dry! The rain got to us eventually.

I tried to convince Joel SO HARD. "Watch 007 instead! PLEASE =X" -sigh-, we bought 5 tickets for the rest to come. I bought Joel lunch since he bought my ticket.

Finally, Damien, Zhong Da and Wen Wei turned up, and we armed ourselves, and trooped to the theatre. I braced myself and was highly amused by a little hamster praising HSM and immitating the songs before the show.

Oh boy. HSM's plot was rather....flat. Sure, it's senior year, and we all are going to plan one final musical together and we part. Alot of the show focused on Troy's decisions to make with Gabriella, their love story and sorts. I really prefered the little subplots here and there, like the uber great backstabbing London transfer student. Sharpay got OWNED.

My favourite song? Troy's solo - "Scream". Oh yea. That was seriously the best song in the whole film. Alot of emotion, alot of change in tempo, just sweet. At the end on the song, it went like this:

Troy: "aaaaHHHH!"
Baby:" WAAAHHhh."
Theatre: "BWHAHAHAHA."

The timing was super coincidental, it was super cute ;)

If I squint hard enough, Troy in a tux could look like James Bond.

Oh, I did a real immature act. During the kissing scene, I decided to negate the effects my eating 5 cubes of ice from Damien's drink. I ended up covering my mouth with my hand and for some reason, giggling non-stop. Primary School girls were staring at the immature sec school boy shaking uncontrollably in his seat. I nudged Joel and whispered:

"Tell Damien...my mouth..hee...is sooooo...hee..soo nnnuuummmbbb."

WHAHAHAH XD I went a little nuts. Well, little being an understatement. After the movie, I couldn't stop laughing at practically, ANYTHING. We were the last to leave the theatre, Joel's idea, and I started laughing when I saw Wen Wei's seat was the messiest XD

I laughed when I pulled the 'Push here' bar.

I laughed when we couldn't find a way out.

I laughed when I saw Damien.

I laughed when I remembered how numb my mouth was.

I was practically abit nutty already. See what "Too-happy" movies do to me? That is why I really, really didn't want to watch HSM, with a ending so perfect like a faerie tale, and it's all....TOO HAPPY XD Ironic as it sounds, I feel bad being so happy o.o I was even still laughing when I picked up the same leaflet for the 3rd time that day XD

Could be the popcorn. Or Damien's drink.

Numb mouth. HAHAHAH XD

I counter-effected the laughing spree when I got home by listening to Troy's "Scream" a couple of times, and Evanescence. I think my emotions are either neutral (yea, the stone me throughout the whole school day, as Ernest usually points out) or at extremes. XD

Anyway, thanks Joel for making me watch a movie. Your popcorn helped me get pass it juuusstt weell. ^^

Oh, I got a little sad when I got home. Audrey sms-ed me talking about the Alpha gathering on the 1st Dec - the first day of my Camp Pinnacle! Sigh, I really don't wanna miss Alpha's first gathering...Thanks though, Aud =)


It's like the whole world flipped, everything had something which just tickled me.


Sunday, November 2, 2008, 7:43 AM

Good evening, for today's documentary, we shall we dive into the mysterious origins of one crazy fifteen year old male teenager's habit he is subjecting many people around him to, some may be familar with it, some respond by doing it too, others flee, some smile, some scoff. What habit is this?

HAND SNAPPING. Yes Joel, Hand Snapping ^^

"What is hand snapping? Not talking about finger snapping, are you?"

Uh-uh. Hand snapping is a entirely different thing. It was derived somewhere in warm May, I do not remember the exact date, but it was during a Student Leader Investiture '08 practice. Everyone was playing the game where you clasp one another's hand, and they 'Scissors-Paper-Stone!', winner slaps the other's hand hard. I played as well, and I withstood 6 "Ngo Yu Sheng Hits" before my skin torn and I give in D:

We were playing and playing then suddenly when I gave in to Jason, I snapped my fingers while holding his hand o.o Odd. Then some weird conversation exchange, I snapped Jason's hand and ask the oddest of questions:

"Are you feeling better?"

AHHHH. It just stuck onto me ever since then. Then Joel came out and I think he played for awhile, and I snapped his hand, he was like "EH?" then he tried it too. OH NO WE'VE BEEN HOOKED XD

Then I lost a match again to formidable Yu Sheng. Then I was like "AGH MEDIC MEDIC" and Jason came, grabbed my hand, and snapped it.

"Are you feeling better yet?"
"Much. XD"

Yes, it is proven: Snapping hands CAN cure people. It's a form of...mental "first aid" XD Because it's usually accompanied by crazy laughter.

But Jason became adverse of it ever since O.o Joel and I do it all the time as a form of greeting whenever we pass by each other XD Yes it does heal! You can't disprove it until you try it yourself :D

Currently, Joel and I can snap 140 times (I snap once, he snaps again - thats two snaps) in one minute. We're gonna bring that up to 200/ per min! That's 100 for each of us to cover in 60 sec, oh yea it's possible. We have the video for 140, we can do 200 ^^

It's possible to snap your own hand as well.

Joel? *snap*

Oh, during today's walk, I found a quiet little haven of my own: a sand pit, three swings, a view of a field of trees and green grass, with winds from the east =)


I watch the skies fly by, they blend, they clash, they mix, they fade. But the image of you upon the stars remain bright.



Within Nobody, Within Me

Benedict -- Balthus
Cat High since 2006 - 2009
4-3 '09
NCC (air) cadet since '05 - C/OFFR
CHS NCC (air) USM '08 - '09
A NCC Supernumerary
Member of the CMC since '07 - '09
The star of the Cancer

Stars to favour

People around me who care =)
Symbolism, the deeper meaning
CHS NCC (air)
CHS CMC board
Figurines I like =D
Improvement, no matter how minor
Pencils, colour pencils, paper
Traditional Art and CG
Drawing =D
Piano (:

Raindrops to catch

For my unit to flourish
For my grades to catch up - L1R5 of <8!
To choose my path in life
To improve my skill with the pencil
Watercolour colourpencils! Thank you :)
To learn digital art XD
Become a first aider =D OH YEA.
To play the piano (:

Scrawl the Walls

The Other Path

NCC (air)~!
Alex Lim - PART B JUNIOR :)
Darren(!) - MUSIC! [SENIOR]
Jonathan Chew - PART A JUNIOR :)
Ken Seah - PART C JUNIOR :)
Kian How - PART C JUNIOR :)
Nicholas Wee - PART C JUNIOR :)
Senior Sui Peng - WISE OWL o.o
Yann Yih - PART B JUNIOR :)
Johnervan - CMC's PREZZ IS THE BEST =D
Friends :)
Amanda - MISS CSM :D
Annelisa - MEI MEI =D
Chek Wei - NCC LAND! =O
Duo Geng - ST. JOHN'S!
Jackson - JAY-WALKER!
Joey - NAT. CAMP ALPHA 3-er~!
Marcus - LOL. JINMIN!
Mr Dennis Ong :D - NAT. CAMP C.O! ^^
Raymond - ST.JOHNS!
Stacey-Ann - ASTRO IS <3


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
November 2009


designer: !ferris.WHEEL².♥
coding: nette